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Multiple Sidebars How-to

Multiple sidebars is a feature that allows you to display different sidebar menus based on a specific URI path.

This is easily implemented in vitepress-sidebar with a few simple settings. In the end, VitePress will output the options as intended.

To learn more about Multiple sidebars first, we recommend taking a look at VitePress' official documentation below:

Basic usage

First, let's assume you have a root project called docs with subdirectories called guide and config, like this:

├─ guide/
│  ├─
│  ├─
│  ├─
│  └─
└─ config/

When the URL is located on a /guide page, the user wants the menu to show only the submenu of guide and hide the submenu of config. Similarly, you want to hide the submenu of guide when it is located on the /config page.

To implement this in vitepress-sidebar, you need to approach it differently from the existing setup.

Use the withSidebar function as before, but pass an array. The array will contain at least one option from vitepress-sidebar. The values in the array can be as many URLs as you want to specify. Of course, you can also configure them with different settings.

// Must pass array arguments!!!!
const vitePressConfigs = {
  /* ... */

export default defineConfig(
  withSidebar(vitePressConfigs, [
      documentRootPath: 'docs',
      scanStartPath: 'guide',
      basePath: '/guide/',
      resolvePath: '/guide/',
      useTitleFromFileHeading: true
      documentRootPath: 'docs',
      scanStartPath: 'config',
      resolvePath: '/config/',
      useTitleFromFrontmatter: true

The values of these options are used in the results as follows:

  <resolvePath>: [
      base: <basePath or resolvePath>,
      items: [...] // `<scanStartPath>/path/to/items`

Here's an example of the output from the above setup:

  '/guide/': {
    base: '/guide/',
    items: [
        text: 'One',
        link: 'one'
        text: 'Two',
        link: 'two'
  '/config/': {
    base: '/config/',
    items: [
        text: 'Three',
        link: 'three'
        text: 'Four',
        link: 'four'

Multiple sidebar options

The following options are available in Multiple sidebars: scanStartPath, basePath, and resolvePath. Each option is optional, but should be able to be used correctly depending on the situation.

Each option is described below. However, we recommend that you first refer to the descriptions of each option on the Options page.

The descriptions below are based on the following examples:

├─ .vitepress/
├─ guide/
│  ├─ api/
│  │  ├─
│  │  └─
│  ├─
│  └─
└─ config/


This option is used to specify different directories as root paths for different routing rules. While documentRootPath is the root path that will actually be scanned (where the .vitepress directory is located), scanStartPath is the root path that should actually be seen in this route rule.

For example, to include only files in the /guide directory, specify the value of scanStartPath as guide. However, the path in documentRootPath should not be included.


This option is used by VitePress to display the relevant menu when it encounters a specific URI. For example, if you want to display only the contents of the guide/api directory when reaching, the value of resolvePath would be /guide/api. It is recommended that you include / in front of the path.

This will usually have a similar value to scanStartPath, but sometimes you may need to specify it differently for i18n routing.


This option is primarily utilized when working with VitePress' rewrite rules, and is optional otherwise.

It replaces the value of the base path in VitePress. If this value is not specified, the value of resolvePath or the root path (/) is specified.

If the actual path to the directory is different from the path structure in the URI, you should be able to navigate to the page provided by rewrite. Typically, the sidebar will generate a path based on the root directory and will not reference the rewrite path in VitePress.

For example, suppose you have a rewrite rule that looks like this:

const vitePressConfigs = {
  rewrites: {
    'guide/:page': 'help/:page'

const vitePressSidebarConfigs = [
    documentRootPath: 'docs',
    scanStartPath: 'guide',
    resolvePath: '/guide/'

export default defineConfig(withSidebar(vitePressConfigs, vitePressSidebarConfigs));

The guide/ document is displayed in the path to help/one. However, if you do this, the sidebar will not display the menu because it will try to find help/one, which is the path as it is.

To fix this, change the path in basePath to help:

const vitePressConfigs = {
  rewrites: {
    'guide/:page': 'help/:page'

const vitePressSidebarConfigs = [
    documentRootPath: 'docs',
    scanStartPath: 'guide',
    basePath: 'help', // <---------------------- Add this
    resolvePath: '/guide/'

export default defineConfig(withSidebar(vitePressConfigs, vitePressSidebarConfigs));

Displaying menus with complex paths and URIs

The above example is typically when the path is defined in steps, but when you want to show folders that are deep in steps, especially when the URI is shorter or uses different conventions than the actual folder path, you need to use additional methods. For example, you have a folder structure like this:

├─ guide/
│  ├─ api/
│  │  ├─
│  │  └─
│  ├─
│  └─
└─ config/

This time, we want to show the menu in docs/guide/api when we reach the one-level URI /api. The expected menu is to show only and

    documentRootPath: 'docs',
    scanStartPath: 'guide/api',
    resolvePath: '/api/'

However, if you configure the options like this, you won't be able to display the menu, because the api directory is a subdirectory of guide. VitePress won't detect this and will navigate to a non-existent document.

To solve this, you need to use VitePress' Routing feature in parallel, see the article below for an explanation:

Add the rewrites option to the VitePress settings in defineConfig following the example above:

const vitePressConfigs = {
  /* [START] Add This */
  rewrites: {
    'guide/api/:page': 'api/:page'
  /* [END] Add This */

const vitePressSidebarConfigs = {
  documentRootPath: 'docs',
  scanStartPath: 'guide/api',
  resolvePath: '/api/'

export default defineConfig(withSidebar(vitePressConfigs, vitePressSidebarConfigs));

Now this will show a submenu of docs/guide/api when the URI path starts with /api!

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